Navigating Life Through The Akashic Realm

Written By: Holly Created Date: 2020-04-17 Comment: 0


In 2015 I began to awaken to my soul journey. To the importance of clearing my blocks, fears, anxieties and phobias. To heal at a physical, emotional and mental level. To my Akashic records. To balance my past-life karma and re-write my story.

Through mindfulness, the science of yoga, meditation, reiki, pellowah, shamanism, bodywork and other forms of healing that my intuition and karma lead me to,  I began to awaken to deeper layers of my path as a healer.

We all have our own unique gifts and power… and no persons power is to be celebrated more than anothers.  I wish our world today would truly acknowledge this truth. It is a beautiful thing when we embrace who we truly came here to be. I’m still working on that. I am still healing.

My power lies in my ability to ‘feel’ and to ‘see’.  I can’t recount how often I have been criticized in this life-time for feeling too much… being too deep… pensive….too woowoo.. For a long time, I blocked it. I neglected the very parts of my soul that were longing to be nurtured.


It is through the nurturing of our innate gifts that we evolve our souls. When I finally loved myself enough to nurture my gifts, I began to gain insight into my Akashic Records - mainly through meditation, but nowadays the insights come to me in other forms, through the psychic senses.

The Akashic Records are all the memories of all the experiences that your soul has acquired in all of your lifetimes. Every living being has its own Akashic Records. It contains information about your soul journey, spiritual lessons, your mission in this lifetime and what energy you have come to learn and leave behind in the physical world. It also contains information about your life on earth, the people you are destined to meet and the lifestyle you are destined to create for yourself.

Your Akashic records can give you clarity and insight on how to align with your highest path and move forward with your life. My Akashic records have offered some very profound insights into past life struggles and the different energies surrounding them.  It hasn’t been easy to navigate. Such as life.  I have seen information that is uncomfortable or that my ego has tried to resist. Sometimes information is blocked until the right time arrives for it to be accessed and healed for a higher purpose. Being an impatient person, this can be anxiety provoking…  a huge lesson for me in this life time has been learnng to cultivate patience.


Part of my karma has been to experience multiple episodes of what our society might label as ‘depression.’  I prefer to call it ‘awakening. ‘   Having an awareness that my soul carries an array of current and past life trauma has made it all somewhat easier to swallow. Enduring depression/awakening is part of the soul journey…to soul retrieval... to alignment.  It has profound purpose.  

I have suicided atleast 10 times in my past lives that I am aware of.  I have killed and been killed,  I have had slaves and been enslaved,  shackled, abused, abandoned, beaten, tortured, raped of my spirituality, disconnected from my culture, punished for my psychic abilities, experienced the life of a refugee, watched my family being shot to the ground infront of me, stripped of my Indigenous culture and land during white colonialism…. and god knows there's more to be discovered as life unfolds. I have crossed paths with many of my allies, victims and perpetrators in this life time. It makes me shudder every single time.

 My soul has been shattered into a million tiny pieces.  I understand why depression has been so real for me and for so many people. Wounds run deep.  Some wounds are ancient. I understand why the inequalities in this world affect some people more than others. They have most likely experienced a similar suffering in a past life. They feel the injustice on such a deep level. 

I see mental health so differently now. When you are on a spiritual path.. when you awaken… as your mind expands…you see many things differently.  You understand why some blocks are just so difficult to break through. Why some negative emotions run so fucking deep. There are so many layers to healing. It takes tremendous strength and courage. I feel like I have died and been reborn 100 times over. But with each death, a new version of me emerges.


People often ask why I have completed so much study… why I have felt such a deep call to travel… why I don’t seem to stay in the same place or situation for long  – particularly over the last 5 years. My soul lead me there…to everything…  it was part of my karma.

Part of my journey in this lifetime has been to reconnect with members of my soul family, across international borders and cultures. The picture in this blog reminds me of the beautiful people, who I was divinely guided to connect with when I was living in Bali. These souls helped me to retrieve fragments of my own soul. They helped me to remember who I am.


In this period of forced locked down due to the Corona Virus pandemic, the universe has strategically placed me on Phillip Island. The place where I grew up. I know that this is my opportunity to integrate all that I have learned on my journey so far and to tend to a deeper layer of healing. Currently I am on the journey of healing debilitating lower back pain. My Kineasiologist, Acupuncturist, Myotherapist & Spinal Flow Healer have been particularly amazing with helping to clear the energy around this deeply embedded trauma. As uncomfortable as I feel in this present moment, I know that working through this karmic blockage will uncover another level of meaning and soul healing. When you heal a past wound, you are re-writing the information contained in your individual Akashic records.  

When we listen to the callings of our soul, it can be painful and magical all at the same time.   The phases of healing I have experienced by working through my spiritual lessons have lead me to uncovering my gifts as a Healer: Reiki, Pellowah, Egyptian Healing, Crystal Therapy, Chakra Healing, Yoga, Meditation, Shamanic Healing, Plant Medicine, Bodywork, Dance, Energetic Counselling and Social Work. These are expressions of my soul across lifetimes. When we tune into our soul, we realise that we all have so many unique gifts within us waiting to be explored. We are a field of infinite possibilities.


Through the Akasha,  It becomes clear that time really is an illusion. Your past, present and future are happening right now. All at once.  Many of the experiences you are drawn to in this life-time, you have done before. Many of the experiences that you fear or are triggered by in this moment are the very experiences that can offer healing and transformation, if you allow let them to. The choice is aways in our hands. We are always in control of our own destiny. At any moment, we can decide to forge a new path and redirect our possible outcomes.


When we are unpresent, operating in auto-pilot, caught up in our mind, our fears, in routine, survival mode, ego, ambition, the matrix.... We are often choosing to remain stagnant. We may view our 'depression' as an illness, rather than seeing it as a doorway to change and evolution. 

Some of my most profound breakthroughs have been born through my most painful experiences… relationship breakdowns, toxic family members, illness, accidents, injury, depression, anxiety, failed friendships, careers, financial loss. Each perceived loss, was infact the entry point to awakening parts of me that I never knew existed. There is purpose to every single pain we endure. 

All of the people and situations we encounter offer meaning… connection....clues... lessons… triggers… growth … healing. Sometimes we meet a ‘soulmate’ that instantly feels like home, perhaps for the longhaul, or simply to guide us to where we need to be.  Other times we encounter a soul whose presence is so intensly magnetic, sparking curiosity, feelings of confusion, energetic paralysis. This is often our queue that karma is about to unfold.

Life is truly magic when we connect to our soul journey … to our spirit. We all have different ways of connecting to our inner knowing… to our higher self… to our guides.   You don’t neccesarily need to have insight into your Akashic records to navigate your way through life. This has been the path that my soul has chosen. But I do believe that being present.. staying connected to what we feel.. to our heart will always light the way.


If you resonate with being an old soul.. a mystic.. to being on the path to discovering the story of your soul’s evolution … yearning to access the deepest knowledge that is written in the book of your life… keep following the signs… they are always there to guide you. Endure the pain. I know it can feel unbareable at times… but it is always there to teach you… to guide you home.





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