A new reality doesn’t appear until we believe in it

Written By: Holly Created Date: 2020-02-13 Comment: 0
I’ve been moving too fast. My soul has been nudging me to stop & go within... so I took the day off to do exactly that. 
I love my solitude. I'm a deep feeler. Soul talker. I like to analyse, learn, grow & meditate.... a lot... It helps me to process my feelings & my pain. It has also brought to the surface an ability to tap into different dimensions, perspectives, timelines & lifetimes... I'm still learning to balance it all out, without flying off to a spiritual circus.
More importantly, it has broadened my mind, challenged my perceptions, shifted my external world & the people in it. If we have never been encouraged to look within, we may struggle to expand our intuition & awareness... we may miss out on the depths of what life has to offer us. We might experience unexplainable episodes of depression, illness, repeat negative cycles, live in fear, feel lonely & disconnected from self.
This photo synchronistically popped up today... I think the universe was wanting to remind me of how far I have come since it was taken in 2015... the year that the universe quite literally knocked me off my feet, forced me to stop & begin to awaken.
I began to question my life journey... why I felt miserable... why I attracted unbalanced, toxic relationships... why I was always sick... felt taken advantage of.. abandoned... criticised.... exhausted.... why I just didn't feel like I was enough.
The answer was simple. The process of transformation not so simple. But worth every second. Everything in my external world was a reflection of what was needing to be healed within. On a deep, subconscious level, I didn't believe I was enough. I hadn't been taught to love, or accept myself without external approval (in this lifetime & many past lives for that matter) ... and I would probably continue to manifest a bullshit life until I stopped the people-pleasing, the grovelling for approval... until I embraced my uniqueness, followed my bliss & just loved me for me. I was already more than enough exactly as I was...and if people couldn't relate to me , they just weren't my soul tribe. Plain & simple. Your soul tribe finds you when you are being authentic.
I know many with a similar story... where changing our limiting beliefs & patterns of self-sabotage seems so damn hard.... our wounds run deep...we accept the mediocre, we settle, we hide, we sacrifice our most precious values & our dreams. Women in particular have been suppressed for far too long... an extremely deep inter-generational pattern that is (finally) beginning to unravel for many women... and hooray to that.
I don’t mean to undermine men here at all. I know plenty of males stuck in their limiting beliefs... living in fear... and it saddens me just as much.
The truth is - We all have the ability to make profound shifts in our lives, once we connect with the reflections & lessons that life is presenting to us. The universe does this magical thing where it sends you all the people & situations you need for your healing .. and they will continue to float your way... in different partysuits & disguises until you master your core lessons & transmute them. Once transmuted, they will disappear from your life like stardust... poof.... That's your magic trick in this life time...
There are never any victims, blaming or shaming in life.... every person & situation is merely a lesson on our journey to self.
A new reality doesn’t appear until we believe in it....until we believe in ourselves. It all starts from within. What you change on the inside will manifest on the outside. Your thoughts are seeds that grow & blossom... What you put out comes back...

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