Written By: Holly Created Date: 2019-04-04 Comment: 0

"Any outside force simply compliments the force already existent within."

What we believe at a 'subconscious' level, we attract in our conscious mind.

★ What we believe at a 'subconscious' level, we attract in our conscious mind.

★ Subconscious programming takes place between birth and age 7. The brain is in the theta state.. similar to hypnosis.

★ At this age, we are like sponges... we pick up every little belief, thought and behaviour of parents, family, friends, our community, then later through the education system.

★ It is said that a whopping 95% of adults operate from their subconscious programming. We have the ability to shift away from this... to erase our limiting beliefs... to choose what we want to believe about ourselves and the world around us.

Here a few ways we can do this ...

★Practice new thoughts + actions.. repeat, repeat + repeat!
★Be present. That past has gone. The future is yet to come. 
★Affirmations & Mantras.
★Holistic Therapies ( such as, EFT tapping, Theta Healing, Yoga, Reiki, Pellowah DNA activation)
★Sound healing- listen to binaural beats + alpha music.

It is physically, mentally + emotionally exhausting to fight a war inside our head every single day... let's get out of there x

Written by: Holly Uhlich


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