Written By: Claire Created Date: 2018-11-09 Comment: 0

What is the truth about arguments? The truth in every confrontation lies in the current of energy that drives you to react in the first place.

Have you ever exploded emotionally at someone or had this done to you due to pent up emotions? 


What is the truth about arguments? The truth in every confrontation lies in the current of energy that drives you to react in the first place.

Have you ever exploded emotionally at someone or had this done to you due to pent up emotions? 

It's astounding the lengths we can go to just to prove we are right and justify emotional outbursts. It is easier to create a story which makes us void to responsibility, it is so convenient to expend more energy into making someone else wrong than it is to simply turn inward, it is so easy to dump energy just to release pent up frustration then go on and continue with daily life.

If we get drawn into arguments or if we ourselves feel triggered and react, I believe it is courageous to spend some time with the feelings afterwards. But we are not taught to do this. We are taught to blame and defend. 

We are so conditioned to suppress how we feel, which leaves us with an unrelenting feeling of pressure within. Eventually an evocative explosion, usually triggered by someone or something else, is the only way to release what has been suppressed and it is never pretty. 

Imagine a world where we all took ownership of our internal triggers. Where instead of arguing to win, we sat down to listen internally. Truly listen... .

In this case we could then discern if the situation was acting as a stimulant created to illuminate deep unresolved trauma or if it was indeed a situation simply worth walking away from..

Written by: Claire Uhlich


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