More and more people are realising an approach to wellness which treats not only the body, but the mind, soul & spirit as well. 

Holistic Therapies are a form of healing that consider the whole person - body, mind, soul, spirit and emotions, in order to bring about optimal health and wellness.


For optimal wellbeing, we must honour our :


MIND - The seat of our emotions, feelings and desires. It is made up of the conscious mind  (the thoughts and feelings that we are aware of),  the sub-conscious mind ( all of the impressions required to complete our destiny in our current lifetime. These thoughts arise from time to time, in response to external stimulus, or through random unrelated thoughts), The unconscious mind ( the aspect of our mind that we are completely unaware of. This contains all the impressions that are associated with our accumulated account, or karma).


BODY - Physical health & energetic balance. Our physical experience in the world. Our physiology and our abiity to heal.


SOUL - Full acceptance of self. Aligning the intentions of our soul with our true nature, in every moment of our lives. The soul is unaffected by the ups and downs of life and is in a perpetual state of bliss. It looks at the ups and downs of life with an observer stance... because everything that happens to us if for our own evolution and learning. Our soul will guide us through anything if we set the intention to stay connected to it.  All other aspects of our being other than the soul are part of the great illusion. When we understand this, we identify less with our body, our mind, our intellect... we choose to connect with our true nature.. which is our soul.


SPIRIT - Our spiritual and deepest part of our being.  While the soul is the source of our expression through our humanity, it has limitations. The only way we can experience our true divine limitless potential is through our spirit. Our soul is merely a channel.


The source of our suffering relates to all that isn't who we truly are. When we have abscence of this knowledge, we tend to attach to the material realm.. to money.. our house.. culture.. religion.. people... our country. The greater our attachment to any individual or object, the greater our likelihood of unhappiness. The greater the disconnection from our soul self. 


Our soul is our intuition. Most of us weren't raised to listen to +  trust our intuition. Even the most naturally intuitive people second guess their intuition. We can confuse our intuition with our fears, our ego, our imagination, our desires or the strong will of others. Its true voice can become blocked by trauma, karma, programming, conditioning.

True happiness is derived from identifying with the soul + understanding that we are limitless potential. Anything that has limitations is limiting us.



The voice of your soul is UNIQUE to you and only you +  it will never stop trying to guide you on the right path for you.

Create quiet time + space to listen to that voice... which is you.


In an era where we are often asked to do more, give more & be more, we are in desperate need of staying connected to our soul & spirit.

When we become aware of imbalances, we can make positive changes to avoid illness & pain and restore the body back to a state of homeostatis on all levels.

Every choice we make in our lives announces our future intentions and we have the power in every given moment to challenge and change our intentions and reset the compass of our life journey. When we experience an imbalance in body, mind, or soul it often means that we have slipped out of alignment. When we experience full body, mind, soul integration and alignment, we feel at peace... we trust our journey once more and begin to align with the true power of our soul + spirit.

